Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC
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Commentary :: U.S. Government

URGENT UPDATES: Houston/Chicago False Flags

HOUSTON, 10/11/10 -- Several stories reported by the mainstream media today demand an update to my 10/9/10 warning: OBAMA-RAHMA! Windy and Bayou cities await false flag,
The Houston area has come under a terror alert, with Houston FBI in control as a result of 17 white powder letters received by Houston schools Friday and today: Mail powder scare treated as terroristic threat,

United Airlines is occupying 12 floors of the most notable terror target in America: United Airlines begins move into former Sears tower,

The nation of Chile announced that it will begin to extract 33 miners marooned for over two months deep in the earth: BACKGROUND: 'Phoenix' to pull Chilean miners out of the dark,,pull-chilean-miners-dark.html.

Both Chicago and Houston's southern neighbor, Texas City, are nicknamed "Phoenix City" because of the Chicago Fire and the Texas City explosion. Further, the flag of Chile is a close copy of the Texas flag. Finally, tomorrow is the anniversary of the Bali terror attack of 10/12/2002 and the USS Stark terror attack of 10/12/2000.

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To learn more about Captain May and his counter-terror operation with The Iconoclast and Ghost Troop, read: Captain Eric H. May Deserves Congressional Medal Of Honor,

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