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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

Divided, Split, Unhappy, Disillusioned

Right now it seems Americans are more unhappy than ever with our elected officials. There have been more contentious periods of course, but in recent memory there really doesn’t seem to be anything so ugly as we see today. No one could have crafted an environment better suited for an America more stridently split. It’s as if the nation’s been waiting for a lifeline from their elected officials and Washington just hasn’t been able to locate one.


Yet, how else should we feel when those we look to for leadership let us down so consistently? How else should we be expected to feel when on every channel on every talk show all we see are leaders attacking each other like spoiled children throwing building blocks? How else are we to think when the only roads being offered give us one way or the other solutions, but no in between? For those of us watching, and that’s most of us, we know none of us could get through life that way and would be fired if we decided we were going to refuse to compromise at work.

If our jobs required we work together to do what’s best for those who employ us wouldn’t we be remise if we ignored our duties? If we instead decided, despite what we had been hired to do, we would benefit more by employing antics designed to draw attention to ourselves would we be able to proudly say, “I did my job?” How would these antics affect the workplace environment, especially if we were in a leadership position?

Would we really be helping the group of people with which we worked to function most cohesively as a unit? Would we really be serving those who hired us to the best of our ability? Would we really be earning the money for which we were being paid?

Now, what if that money didn’t come from a wealthy corporation? What if it didn’t come from some billion or even million dollar company? What if our money came mostly from hard working to poor every day people? What if it came from those we live with and work with both familiar and strange?

If we were in those leadership positions could we say we have served them to the best of our ability? Would we have given them the best leadership possible and remain honest in saying so if all we did was work solely towards our own interests?

Would we be able to say we took more than we gave? Were our actions for the good of all concerned or were our interests more self centered? Were we simply interested in getting as much as we could leadership position be damned? How would those with so little yet who gave us in many cases more than they could truly be served by those actions?

Having people rely on us is not easy, but when we take on leadership positions we are assuming responsibility for others. When in those positions one doesn’t have to give up everything in life for the position. One doesn’t need to turn ones back on life itself. No doubt the more the responsibilities the greater the stress and pressure. That’s understandable, but it doesn’t excuse inaction.

The job of a politician in elected office is to work toward crafting legislation aimed at helping the people in their districts and beyond. No matter the party or affiliation once elected there is a duty to serve all in the respective districts and beyond. If your job is to work to craft legislation what good has been done for respective constituents if you have absolutely refused to work towards that consensus? Have you been angry at those who hired you? Were you protesting? How long are workplace protests expected to last before those in charge of hiring get fed up? Being in elected office is like being in the military in many ways and one way is that not working is never an option.

How long can a public entertain tantrums from those they pay?

If only the supposedly independent movements of late had their act together and were a genuine force for independent change for all of us instead of mere vehicles for continuing the same stuff. Effective legislation cannot really happen when leaders play immature games with the very real and mostly serious business of running a nation.

To read about my inspiration for this article go to


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