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Adding Insult To Injury

Time and time again political prisoners have proven that the human soul is more resilient than the evil which seeks to destroy it. Torture survivors can heal and become productive members of society again, if given the opportunity.
Re: Harmful Effects of Prolonged Isolated Confinement

20 Apr 2010
by Shawnna Armstrong
Reply to this article

Mr. Lendman,

Your article sheds light on the purposeful abuse which political prisoners are forced to endure.

However, I can't help but feel as if you are advocating for a "throw away" culture which further abuses and degrades survivors of torture. You imply that most of us are incapable of participating in any "real" or "meaningful" work because of the damage inflicted by the pigs who abused us while we were incarcerated.

Tell that to Nelson Mandela, John McCain, Jane Fonda, Tom Hayden, Elie Wiesel and so many other survivors who have proven that that talented activists can survive torture and live productive, if not spectacular lives. (BTW, my first employer in the activism field was Tom Hayden...PM makes me laugh when they call this yellow dog democrat a right winger!)

Time and time again political prisoners have proven that the human soul is more resilient than the evil which seeks to destroy it. Torture survivors can heal and become productive members of society again, if given the opportunity.

It pains me to see people masquerading as activists and healers, contributing to the pain of survivors through passive-aggressive, degrading, condescending meta-communication themes. The only thing more offensive than an incompetent authority figure, is an authority figure who feigns concern while secretly attempting to disparage the individual whom they are charged with assisting.

Please, don't make public lists of Post Traumatic Stress disorder symptoms. This insults and objectifies those of us who are trying to heal. Survivors of torture do not appreciate being treated like lab rats. Most of us are highly intelligent, skilled individuals. Hence the malicious attempts to destroy our minds and bodies. Those of us who have survived torture are acutely aware of the exogenous conditions which have been inflicted upon us.

Offer financial, therapeutic, and legal assistance. But don't re-write our stories. Please. Don't add insult to injury by presuming to understand our motives or experiences.


Shawnna Armstrong

"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant." ~Martin Luther King Jr

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