Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Class : Economy : Globalization : Labor : Poverty

“Hunger riots”, it's the struggle of the proletariat!
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“Hunger riotsâ€, it's the struggle of the proletariat!

Everywhere in the world the contradiction is always more striking between the human needs and the needs of Capital, and profit. Grim murderous merry-go-round of stock exchanges and markets, cynical and murderous calendar of adjustment structural plans, all this implies for our class always more misery, deprivation, daily and generalized poisoning. Capital’s catastrophe speeds up and it's always our class that picks up the tab!

Capital deprived us of anything to force us to work

When it doesn’t need our labour force anymore, it lets us dying

Capital kills and doesn’t have anything else to offer

But the proletariat doesn’t take the increasing brutality of the many attacks against its survival conditions without doing something. These last weeks, in dozens of countries all over the world, our class took to the street, reappropriating something to eat for not dying.

Faced with this human reaction social democracy deplores lootings and revolts “without prospectsâ€. In the name of saving the planet it advocates austerity, abnegation and submissiveness. Denouncing such or such “pernicious effect of the systemâ€, brandishing the mystification of “world overpopulationâ€, it feeds us again with its wild imaginings of accounting reforms supposed to regulate profit and to humanize the capitalist barbarity.

Everywhere in the world proletarians get nowadays hammered through generalized attack against “purchasing powerâ€. Yet, resignation through social democratic acceptance of the “lesser evil†globally still prevails today: the worst is and will always be elsewhere, farther, in the “third worldâ€, by “the poorestâ€, “the most exploited 

Bourgeoisie can still take the liberty of maintaining the struggles of our class in isolation and restore its social peace while murdering with impunity our class brothers striking for their most elementary needs. And this with the necessary support of these useful idiots, these docile citizens who vote and sort out their household waste, these sloppy spectators standing before their television and who will maybe shed tears over “violence and hunger in the world†between two election or sports results.

Dying or struggling, there is no other alternative for the proletariat

Let’s support our struggling class brothers, let’s fight everywhere against exploitation

Hunger riots and suburbs riots… these struggles are ours

Our enemy is everywhere the same

This system is in crisis? May it die!

Internationalist Communist Group - April 2008

BP 33 - Saint-Gilles (BRU) 3 - 1060 Brussels–Belgium (important: without mentioning the group’s name)
e-mail: icgcikg[at] - our press on internet:
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