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Now You Know

Now you know who the real masters are.

When israel wants a particular candidate, they ignore all the real candidates of American attitude and ideology, and put a true loser (kerry, hickabeast) OPPOSITE the candidate they wish to promote. As Hollywood proves, israelis are masters of deception and illusion.

In this case they wish to appoint obama/hillary.

israel plays the JESUS card among their trained monkeys of the christian right whenever it suits them, and even though those monkeys are legion, they are pathetic liars and not Americans...israel also plays the GODS CHOSEN card whenever they can, they use Americas well developed religious mind control against us. Fundamental christians are israelis by religion. Duh.

Now you know. And perhaps you see who the real enemy is, afterall.

The treatment that Ron Paul has gotten is just a wake up call. When he or someone like him finally gets in the Whitehouse, and kicks all the dual citizens the hell out of our country, or, better yet, makes it unprofitable for them to be here, then they will just go away and find other blood to suck.

On that great day when America takes its Government back, and its media, and its currency, and its freedom, then we will have so much terrorism and hate to deal with from the israeli types, because it truly is their way, that 911 wll look like a walk in the park, which, in fact, it was.

911 was just a taste, to let America know who is in control, and what they are capable of doing to us, should we step out of line.

Now you know.

I had to register as a republican to vote for Ron Paul in the primaries, but as soon as th israeli republican party nominates hickabeast, or their other shill mitt romney, i am back to independent, and I will STILL vote Ron Paul.

And I will start readying myself for the day when American finally awakens from religious lies and TV stupor, to take their country back. Because even though that day will be glorious, it will not be pretty.

Israel will see to that.

Now you know.

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