Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Miscellaneous

The Rise And Fall Of Empires

Some commentary on the future of civilisation from your favorite crazy sci-fi head, moi. Enjoy!
In the various discussion of Anarchism,
this-or-that ism, or whatever, it must not be missed
that America shows all the signs of a declining
empire. Our culture has essentially been stagnant
since the 1950's except for a brief burst of new
vitality during the 60's. And a lot of people were
killed over the few advances that were made. Blacks no
longer have to go to the back of the bus, but a female
who exhibits the mating patterns of a male is still
labelled a slut. (that's mainly religious BS.) And
nobody can smoke weed without living in continual
fear. They won't even trust us to control our own
bodies anymore.

The fact is that this civilisation is going to end
one way or another wether we help it along or not: all
we can really do in my opinon is help each other to
avoid it's worst effects while it is doing so and
wait. It's inevitable. It's being mismanaged into the
ground by people who were invariably born into
positions of power and see no direct connection
between their actions and the political games they
play with each other while in control of all this
machinery and the effects of these decisions on the
society as a whole. There is a term for this in Feudal
societies, which this is no matter what anyone tells
you: Noblesse Noblige Plus. It translates roughly to,
"Nobility Does Not Obligate" and is the opposite of
Noblesse Oblige, or "Nobility Obligates". And much
thanks to Marc Miller, designer of the RPG Traveller,
for supplying me with this tidbit while he was
explaining the decline of his fictional Third Imperium
in his game. It basically means that these people feel
that their positions are supported by invisible hands
and that the party has been running for so long that
they can't even concieve of it ever ending. And thus,
they feel no obligation whatsoever towards the people
that they govern and who make all of their wealth and
priviledge possible and see them only as a means of
maintaining that priviledge for themselves and as toys
that they can occasionally use to their own stupid
purposes and throw away when no longer useful.
Frankly, Syndicalism is a great way to show them that
unless they treat their workers properly then their
priviledge will end or be usurped. But just TRY
forming a union in today's environment...

BTW, I think all prostitues should unionize like
in Australia and other countries where it is legal.
That way they could keep all the proceeds for
themselves and blow off the pimps who are just running
a protection racket on them anyway. If they form
collectives and have guns, then they can protect
themselves adequately enough.

My silly thoughts for the day...


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